A Life Without a Friends!

As a light don’t exist without dark, so as life is, one person can’t live without others. That’s the fact that we must accept and that’s also the reason that we exist. Having alone and no one to know us is very sad and I think life has no meaning even in death no one will remember us even if that was the only wish you had. Human cannot live without depending to others, without needing someone and without wanting to be with someone. I think depending to others is the only way to stay also alive. Maybe someone says that they can live by themselves, that’s what they think maybe because they felt alone and maybe they experience being left behind by someone., but when we think outside of the box that person is not alone, when will they get their everyday foods when they are alone, of course they have to work so that means that someone is supporting that person that means that person is not alone, maybe others don’t realize but it was natural because everything happens for a reasons.

slide_shutterstock_182238293.jpgLife also can’t exist without having friends. Everyone exist to connect to everyone. Who can help you beside your family, without a friend maybe a stranger can but most of the time it was that they help you accidentally only. Who can understand and sympathy you when you have a problems that you can’t tell to your parents, who will be mad at you when you turn to be a fool in something called love, who will not be ashamed of being with a problematic person. Who will care for you and treat you like a family. Who will leave you and laugh at you when you are in awkward condition but they will help you after. Who will bully you but when others bully you they will got mad at them because they are the one who should bully you. Without a friend we have no one to depend to in school, outside and somewhere. Without a friend life is boring, because they are the addition that colors your life.

It’s true that’s not all friends stays forever, sometimes you left behind, sometimes they find someone to that you might think that they are better than you. That’s because people change and maybe it was according to the environment on how they live.

837818000--_meet_new_friends_-_its_free.jpgMeeting and having a friends can be everywhere as long as everyone can understand everyone and if they has a big heart like you are. Even if there’s a scenario that you are new in the place and eventually you will also meet a new friend that will help u adapt in that new environment. Everyone can meet a good friend or a bad friend that’s maybe because we didn’t care who they are as long as they can accept who we are, that in their eyes we are as normal as they are. Just move forward. As I can say everything happens for a reason. ^_^

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